The mid-term report for the LIFE BooGI-BOP project will be submitted in July 2020

A good time to present achievements:
In Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Spain, we informed a total of over 6,000 industry and company representatives on the subject of nature-oriented company premises. Through our website, various information channels and last but not least through our info letter, we are working on the topic of mainstreaming of nature-oriented business premises. Media - both from the online sector and from print and television - have already successfully reported and informed about the project.
Another success of the almost two years of work in the BooGI-BOP project:
In the four project countries, a total of 44 companies were advised on nature-oriented business premises. You can find some of them in our "BOP Best-Practice-Examples" section. In the course of the project, this will be continuously supplemented with further positive examples of implementation.
We have also made a lot of progress and learned a lot in the process. Especially the climatic differences between Central Spain and Central Europe enable the experts of the participating organisations to learn a lot about the topic of climate change and about location-related environmental impacts and their influence on the design of nature-oriented business premises.
The spectrum of the consulted companies is very large. The consulting services of the experts involved in the project range from small software companies with 20 employees to large logistics or automotive companies, from a few square meters to 100 hectares.
It is also interesting for the BooGI-BOP team to see how effective the concepts work equally well on small and large areas.
Monitoring system
In order to be able to assess the effects of the project even better and to improve them continuously, we have developed a monitoring system. With the help of a questionnaire, we can record the measures already implemented and identify and improve their positive benefits even more effectively.
BOP Network
In order to facilitate the implementation of biodiversity-friendly measures by facilitating contact, we are currently in the process of setting up an online platform where we collect people/companies/institutions/initiatives who deal with the topic of "nature-oriented design" and are actively involved in its implementation.
The platform is intended to serve as a quick help and network for exchange and cooperation. Furthermore, we think that this will make it easier for interested companies/businesses to find suitable partners/service providers/implementers for planning and implementation.
So far, for example, over 50 facility management staff from various companies have been given introductory information about the legal framework, potential and principles of nature-oriented business premises. Both low-threshold measures and comprehensive concepts and principles of appropriate care were explained. We also collaborated within the project in Vorarlberg on a green roof course for experts, interested parties from the construction industry, planners, administrators and private individuals. The following topics were addressed and answered: How easily can a biodiversity roof be created? - From planning, substrate and construction, plant and seed use to maintenance. Together, different ways and possibilities are shown as practically as possible. Umbrella projects of participants were also included as examples. For further planned trainings please inform yourself here.
Trainings in Germany and Austria
- Biodiversität im GaLaBau - Prinzipien zu Planung und Bau naturnaher Außenanlagen (Lehrgang für Landschaftsgärtner*innen)
- Blühende Dächer in Vorarlberg - Gründach-Kurs für Expertinnen und Experten
- Firmengelände als multifunktionale Räume für Mensch und Natur
- Biodiversitätsfreundliche Firmengelände – Herausforderungen und Chancen in der Kommunikation nach innen und außen
- Firmenerweiterungen und Neubauten: Zukunftsgerichtetes Bauen durch integrative Planung – Potentiale entdecken und heben
- Biodiversitätsfreundliche Firmengelände im Umweltmanagement verankern: Anpassungen in Einkauf, Ausschreibung, Biodiversitätsstrategie und Monitoring
In addition to our self-organised training sessions, the aim of the BOP team was to make as many interested parties as possible aware of the potential and implementation possibilities of nature-oriented business design. For this reason, we have presented the project throughout the EU at topic-specific events. In Germany and Austria only, we have been to at least 13 events and have presented EU-LIFE BooGI-BOP and made contacts.
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